

Our mobile app helps caregivers monitor the health of their elderly loved ones by using a smart wearable band for constant, real-time health tracking, to promote peace of mind and connectedness. 

The name of a divine figure whose name means “Care” or “Concern” in Latin. A significant portion of English vocabulary is from the Romans and Latinate sources. Latin is also used in Ancient Rome.

In its golden age, it introduced a lot of futuristic invention. Its citizens are health-conscious and they put high regard or respect to the elders.

UX/UI Designer

12 Weeks

Figma, Photoshop, Illustrator & After Effects

The project aims to solve the pain point of ensuring the safety and health of senior citizens, particularly those living independently or with limited assistance. Seniors often face challenges related to falls, medical emergencies, and the need for continuous health monitoring. These challenges can lead to concerns for both seniors and their caregivers regarding their well being. 

The senior care app will provide a comprehensive solution by incorporating features such as fall detection, health monitoring, location tracking, and emergency alerts. It will enable seniors to lead more independent lives with peace of mind while allowing caregivers to remotely monitor their health and safety. By addressing these pain points, the app aims to enhance the overall quality of life for seniors and provide caregivers with the tools they need for effective support and assistance. 


Fall Detection

To ensure the safety of seniors, particularly in cases of falls or sudden movements. 

Heart Rate Monitoring

Relevant to the user as it provides continuous health monitoring and alerts for potential health issues. 

Location Tracking

To ensure the safety of seniors, particularly in cases of falls or sudden movements.





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