

Cleaning services are considered essential in both residential and commercial settings, and the industry has been adapting to meet the evolving needs of customers. One of the key factors in moving with modern times is the digitalization and streamlining of processes.

UX/UI Designer

12 Weeks

Figma, Photoshop & Illustrator

There are still some cleaning service businesses that rely on paper-based documentation where many processes of managing and accessing important information about work were not digitized. Some still resort to handing out printed or even handwritten working schedule and tasks every day on a sheet of paper. This comes with a risk of forgetting, loss and overall not an efficient and professional way of managing routines and processes.

Creating an app that gathers all the information in one place. For instance, all the information that housekeepers need to know and follow in their working day such as addresses, time schedule, description of cleaning service, any request from customer, tools to bring. This app will digitalize everything, like managers assigning jobs to cleaners and updating information regarding the job and then cleaners accessing the information, and there is a possibility that cleaners can mark the job as done or keep marking the checklist.


Manage Project

Streamline jobs, staff scheduling,
task management and communication keeping your housekeepers’ and
managers’ mood bright and shiny.

Workload Tracker

A well-designed view of tasks that
allows you to stay on track no matter
how grimy things might get.

Team Synergy

Keep everything neat and tidy through tight communication between managers and housekeepers.Neat and Organized6f seniors, particularly in cases of falls or sudden movements.





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